Welcome to the cort show

Welcome to the cort show

a show about everything!

Join Cort and Laura Legend for morning FUN! They help make your day better with music from all genres, fun and interesting subjects, like Criminals Who Should Have Been Moved to the Front of the Classroom, Wish it were Fake News, Only in America, and much more. We are a Friendly and Fun radio show that you can listen to anywhere at anytime!

latest episodes

Some of the greatest masterpieces of all time were torn apart by reviewers! Plus, A Person You Should Know!

Is it genetics or mental strength? Marathon runner and triathlete Mike Hinton joins us today to help us understand what it takes to be an athlete.

Idioms are sayings we have used our entire lives but, do we know where they came from?  We don't beat around the bush in todays show!

Today is about a great leader who preached and practiced nonviolence in order to make a change.  That change began with him and is still a work in progress.  Today’s show is about Martin Luther King.  All the music is Motown.  Tune in and celebrate a true leader.

we’re on the radio!


  • Simply just click on the shows above, click on the Listen to the Podcast button, or click on any of the stations above!

  • Now shows are created every 3 times each week, but Cort has an extensive archive from days gone by!

  • We are growing! Contact The Cort Show team at cortinthemorning2@gmail.com or leave us a note by clicking below. We work with any show transfer program you use and can personalize our shows to fit your stations needs!

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